About me
I currently live in the Himalayas with the Maharishi Purusha Program focussed full time on the advanced TM-Sidhi meditation programs designed to accelerate personal progress to higher states on consciousness: these programs also have a profound effect in creating harmony in world consciousness.
The Himalayas are an ideal location for this endeavour, with its rich spiritual tradition famed throughout history in harbouring and nourishing the great seers and luminaries of the Vedic tradition, and fostering countless aspirants to similarly gain self-realisation. The isolation, away from the troubles of the world, supports the intent focus required in our endeavour.
Furthermore, the fact that the TM-Sidhi program has extensive scientific validation for transforming collective consciousness towards harmony and peace augments our mission exponentially.
I’ve been a world peace professional with the Maharishi Purusha Program since 1986 in India, Holland, Australia, and USA. I am a qualified instructor in the Transcendental Meditation Program and have engaged in various responsibilities and projects with the organisation since 1983. I also have a university degree in Financial Administration and applied this in commerce for a number of years.
Sponsor world peace
The main challenge to leading a life focussed on the Purusha program is to secure funds to continue for the long term. Our life is simple and the needs are few, but we still need to eat, wear clothes, and pay medical bills.
There are not so many people who are able to commit to a life focussed on inner development towards self-realisation (with a combined aspiration for creating world peace). This highlights the importance of the sponsor to facilitate this precious requirement of our time for holistic inner development and outer coherence.
Fortunately our deep meditation programs produce dividends in all directions. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said about Purusha,
“World peace is a by-product of it. Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.”
And one of India’s greatest spiritual luminaries, Adhi Shankara, said almost two thousand years ago about those who support Purusha (who were called ascetics in those days):
“Whosoever gives to someone who dedicates himself fully to the quest for enlightenment receives the benefits of this man’s acts and meditations without having to undergo the tribulations associated with his life. Truly fortunate is one who supports the ascetic, because he doesn’t have to leave the comfort of his home to fully gain the advantage of this man’s tapas (meditations).” Shankara Dig Vijaya
This quote from Adhi Shankara clarifies the profound value of being a sponsor to Purusha, and the benefit to be gained from this partnership.
“I have been a fellow practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi program for many decades now, and continue this practice because of the balancing and refreshing effect it has on my physiology and creativity. I am a dental surgeon and also an ocean diver / photographer with many interests and distractions, but always find meditation a wonderful “base” to return to on a daily basis. I’ve long had an interest in the scientific research associated with TM, and one particular area of research that has attracted my interest is the very positive effectiveness of the group practice of the TM-Sidhis program on all areas of society. This represents the radiating “field” nature of consciousness, and has been verified numerous times in reputable international peer-reviewed journals. This “technology of consciousness” works in a wondrous but scientifically explainable way to reduce stress in the environment, and thereby promote peace and reduce hostility.
This is what Andrew Lawson-Kerr does full-time on a daily basis along with his dedicated colleagues. Their program has been specially designed for their own accelerated development of consciousness and also for maximum impact in the promotion of peace world-wide. It’s a hard concept to “swallow”, but the so-called “Maharishi Effect” is well worth investigating. I endorse Andrew Lawson-Kerr as a wonderful, sincere man who well deserves all the financial support that can come his way.”
Dr Mark Spencer (www.markspencer.com.au)
It will be my pleasure to share your goals for enlightenment and world peace through the formula quoted by Adhi Shankara above in a ‘partnership for inner and outer peace’.
Below are options to sponsor me by PayPal or via your credit card. If your preference is to donate direct to my bank account send a message to me at alkpurusha[at]gmail[dot]com.
For regular donations (preferred option) click in the box under ‘Donation options’ to select your subscription preference and then click on the Subscribe button, where you can pay either via your PayPal account or your credit card.
For one-off donations click here PayPal.Me/AndrewLawsonKerr where you can donate via your PayPal account or by credit card.
Best wishes and thank you for your generous support.
Andrew Lawson Kerr
PS for residents of USA/Canada and some European countries it may be possible for your donation to be a tax deduction. Email me alkpurusha[at]gmail[dot]com, providing info on your country and sponsorship interest.