Category: Quotes

Guru Purnima

The following is a perfect preparation for celebrating Guru Purnima. On this day (evening) the perfect fullness of the moon, symbolises the fullness and perfection that the Guru has attained,  and this collection of...

Celebrities talk on how Transcendental Meditation relieves stress and anxiety

February 4, 2018 While the lives of the rich and famous might sometimes seem like all unicorns and candy, they too suffer from stress and anxiety. Hugh Jackman So how do they claw their...

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Within Man Is The Soul Of The Whole; The Wise Silence; The Universal Beauty

In 1836, an essay entitled Nature was published anonymously. It created a great stir, especially among college students, who formed clubs to discuss it. The essay marked the beginning of a movement that came...

“It is in the purest thing that the soul is capable of” – Meister Eckhart

Credit: By Craig Pearson, Ph.D. on 12/01/2012 posted at Meister Eckhart was considered the most knowledgeable scholar of his time and was one of the most popular and beloved preachers — people flocked to...

“Rapturous Joy Transcending Any Other”

[Excerpt from ‘The Supreme Awakening-Experiences of Enlightenment Throughout Time’ by Dr Craig Pearson, Executive Vice President of Maharishi University of Management, available at here] The Buddha c. 563–c. 483 BCE • NEPAL &...

The Body Is Made of Consciousness

Is consciousness a by-product of electrochemical processes? Maharishi Mahesh Yogi answers This is an excerpt from Maharishi’s answer to this intriguing question. For his complete response, watch the video. ► Question: Most scientists today hold...