Australia is on track to achieve a 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030, regardless of federal policy intervention. This is due to the country meeting state renewable energy targets.
Australia could soon export sunshine to Asia via a 3,800km cable
Australia doesn’t currently export renewable energy. But an ambitious new solar project is poised to change that.
The proposed Sun Cable project envisions a ten gigawatt capacity solar farm . Power generated will supply Darwin and be exported to Singapore via a 3,800km cable slung across the seafloor.
Transparent Solar Panels Will Turn Windows Into Green Energy Collectors
Wait, there’s more…..
Turkey’s renewable energy capacity has increased by 11% every year for the past decade. Clean energy now provides 49% of electricity. Daily Sabah
Following years of pressure from activists, Canadian company Teck Resources is pulling out of planned operations in the oil sands. NYT
Following years of pressure from activists, Norwegian company Equinor is pulling out of planned exploration in the Great Australian Bight. SBS
India says it will stop importing thermal coal in the next four years (no doubt Adani will never bow to years of pressure from activists). Economic Times