Monthly Archive: January 2020

99 Good news stories you probably didn’t hear about in 2019

Source: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was...

Unsettled Start to New Decade which holds Great Promise-Jyotish News January 2020

The first section of this post is Planetary News January 2020 from a jyotishi who I consider maintains a steady attunement to the Vedic core of Jyotish, and who is far removed from speculation....

Australian bushfires – “What can we do?”

“What can we do?” In the face of overwhelming fiery drama on TV news, and messages from our friends experiencing it first hand it seems impossible that on our own we can do anything...

‘Helping to avert natural disaster in Australia’

M AH AR I S H I V E D I C P AN D I T S __________________________________ Please read down to see our immediate action steps and the critical time line Dear...