Ramayana & world peace
Sri Raam
Some verses from the Ramayana:
ब्रह्मणा क्षत्रिय वैश्य सूद्र लोभाविवार्षितः
स्वकर्मसु प्रवर्तन्ते सुस्ता स्वैरेवा कर्मभिः
Bråhmanå ̇ Kshatriyå Vaishyå ̇ Shudrå lobhavivarjitå ̇
svakarmasu pravartante tushtå ̇ svair eva karmabhi ̇
(This verse explains that the members of Ayodhyå’s different castes (Bråhmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras) had their own social responsibilities that both upheld the Dharma of society and effectively supported their own evolution. This verse refutes any assertion of coercion or force, for it clearly indicates that Ayodhyå’s citizens were fulfilled in performing their Dharma.)
सर्वे लक्षणसंपनः सर्वे धर्मपरायणः
Åsan prajå Dharmaratå Råme shåsati nånritå ̇
sarve lakshanasampannå ̇ sarve Dharma- paråyanå
So long as Råm ruled, the people were devoted to Dharma and never told lies. All were endowed with auspicious marks and all were established in Dharma.—6.131.105
नकले म्रियते कश्चिन् न व्याधि प्राणिनां तथा
ननरथो विद्यते कश्चिद् रमे राज्यम प्रशस्ति
Nåkåle mriyate kashchin na vyådhi pråninåμ tathå
nånartho vidyate kashchid Råme råjyaμ prashåsati
During the reign of Råm, no one died prematurely, no one suffered from disease, and there were no calamities.
नित्यपुष्प नित्यफलस्तारवा स्कन्दविस्तृतः
काले वर्षी च पर्जन्य सुखस्परशश्चा मरुता
Nityapushpå nityaphalåstarava ̇ skandhavistitå ̇
kåle varsh¡ cha Parjanya ̇ sukhasparshash cha Måruta ̇
इष्टपुष्टजनकिरणां पुरम जनपदासतथा
Kåle varshati Parjanya ̇ subhikshaμ vimalå disha ̇
hrishtapushtajanåk¡rnaμ puraμ janapadås tathå
The rains came on time, and the skies were clear; the city and provinces were in abundance of food, and filled with happy, fulfilled citizens.
“When the awareness expands it does not become fragmented. Instead it becomes more and more coherent. That means that the extremities of infinity are brought inwards, to togetherness. The unboundedness of life is brought into one complete, unchanging wholeness. In this togetherness is the power of invincibility. When an infinite number of small and separate channels of creativity are put together in one whole, creativity is infinite.”
“Infinite correlation means perfect communication. In other words, each element is related with the other so intimately, that it is the other. That is the wealth of the wholeness of awareness which unifies all surface differences at the source.”
By enlivening the quality of infinite correlation in individual awareness, it is simultaneously enlivened in every part of collective life:
“Through the Transcendental Meditation technique what happens is that the brain becomes more coherent in its functioning—the different parts of the brain begin to function respecting one another. On the collective level communication becomes smooth and fruitful among the various parts that build up a nation, as well as among the various elements that make up the parts.”
Here Maharishi makes clear that national life includes much more than just the lives of the citizens. Creating coherence in the collective consciousness not only creates balance in the functioning of the sun, wind, and rain, but also in every part of a nation. Hence, the key to creating more orderly and coherent functioning among all of the parts of the environment is to enliven the quality of infinite correlation in the collective consciousness.
Maharishi’s call for World Peace – Interview to German TV, Feb 8 1991 (Part One 18’17):